Look for an impression of the 10hskamermuziekfestival Amsterdam 2014 within the project 5th anniversary Brackman Trio.
April 19, 20 and 21, 2014: Jubilee concerts
5 different concerts in 3 days of Brackman Trio & Friends was the fifth anniversary of the trio celebrating in a festive manner. An enthusiastic public is asking for a similar event in 2015.
Trio plays at AVRO Opium op 4
Friday the Brackman Trio is one of the guests and plays live from Splendor in Amsterdam some parts of piano trios. Listen to todays Opium op 4.
Trio flies to Vienna
From February 18 until February 23, 2014 the Brackman Trio resides in Vienna and get lessons from Prof. Avedis Kouyoumdjian, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien – Joseph Haydn Institut für Kammermusik und Spezialensembles.
Live on Radio 4 VIRUS
Thursday night, December 12, 2013 at 00.00 hours the Brackman Trio is guest in the ‘late night’ program VIRUS Radio 4, AVRO, live from the Rotterdamse Schouwburg . The program is presented this time by Giel Beelen. Watch and listen to this broadcast.
Preparation 5th anniversary
In 2014 the Brackman Trio consists 5 years!
That will be celebrated well into April 2014 with 5 different festive anniversary concerts. Check back frequently anniversary page for the latest news!
Orlando Festival
Friday, August 9, the Orlando Festival 2013 starts. During this festival the Brackman Trio gives a few public concerts, see the agenda.
Interview Dutch National Musical Instruments Foundation
The Dutch National Musical Instruments Foundation (Nationaal Muziekinstrumenten Fonds, NMF) in conversation with the Brackman Trio. Read the interview (Dutch).