The CD presentation with concert of Brackman Trio’s new CD ‘Discovering Roslavets’ will take place on March 7th at Muziekhaven in Zaandam. More info.
Animato Quartet wins the Irene Steels-Wilsing Foundation Competition
The Animato Quartet won first prize of € 12.000 at the Irene Steels-Wilsing Foundation competition, which was held on 22 January 2025 as part of the Heidelberg Spring String Quartet Festival.
A total of eight ensembles competed in front of an audience at the Heidelberg University of Education, selected from 27 applications.
The first prize, awarded to the Animato Quartet as an annual scholarship, is also linked to a performance engagement at the Heidelberg Spring Festival in 2026.

Release date new CD Brackman Trio
The release date of the new CD ‘Discovering Roslavets’ (I. Silver Night) by the Brackman Trio is February 7, 2025.
Click here for more info.
Brackman Trio is recording a new CD
In September the Brackman Trio is recording a new CD in Hilversum at the Muziekcentrum van de Omroep. News about this CD project will follow soon!
The Animato Quartet has been awarded the Kersjes Prize 2023
The Animato Quartet has been awarded the Kersjes Prize 2023.
Read also: NRC article
Podcast interview with Tim Brackman about chamber music
Dutch Musical Instruments Foundation: Podcast series De Instrumentenkamer with Tim Brackman about chamber music
Interview Tim Brackman about Stift Festival
Animato Quartet wins Audience Award Dutch Classical Talent
The Animato Quartet wins the Audience Award in the final of the Dutch Classic Talent Award 2021/22. During the final, the quartet played a short version of ‘Expo 1889’, a program illustrated with works by Olivia Ettema.