Duo Brackman-LeCoultre Live Concert Aegtenkapel
Duo Brackman-LeCoultre Live Concert Aegtenkapel
The Animato Quartet plays Mozart in the program Spiegelzaal, live on Radio 4. Listen to the broadcast from the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. The Animato Quartet plays after about 18 minutes.
Brackman Trio plays at ‘Boekenbal’, live on Radio 4 from Stadsschouwburg in Amsterdam.
Listen to todays Opium op 4.
The Brackman Trio plays some parts of piano trios, live on Radio 4 from VondelCS in Amsterdam.
Listen to todays Opium op 4.
The Brackman Trio plays in the program Spiegelzaal, live on Radio 4. Listen to the broadcast from the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. The Brackman Trio plays after about 34 minutes.
From Friday 21 till Sunday November 23, 2014 Anne and Jonathan will meet Tim in Copenhagen where the trio will play piano trios by Beethoven and Shostakovich.
Sunday, October 5, 2014 on Radio 4 one could hear the new compositions played by the Brackman Trio during AlbaRosa Viva! composition competition.
Listen to the broadcasting of Avondconcert op radio 4.
From 20 minutes Rituale for violin, cello and piano composed by Francesco Ciurlo and subsequent Turning spindle for violin, cello and piano composed by Michael Essl.
From July 5 until July 27, 2014 Tim is busy to perform with his Animato Quartet in Brazil and in orchestras with conductors Marin Alsop and Giancarlo Guerrero during the Festival Internacional de Inverno de Campos do Jordão .
The Animato Quartet received at Sala São Paulo, the price under the title ‘Artistic Excellence’ for the concerts that it gave during this festival.
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